Обменяюсь банерами, ссылками, кнопками на тему Замуж за иностранца,замуж, знакомство, брак.
Регион-желательно Европа, Германия.
Обмен банерами:свадьба, интернациональные браки
Сообщений 1 страница 2 из 2
Поделиться12010-07-16 22:15:29
Поделиться22011-03-24 07:58:24
Хорошо! У меня сайт http://shihi.g-rus.com/ И вот его баннер! Жду вашь!
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript" src="http://shihi.g-rus.com/static/js/banners_new1.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript" id="datascript5435"></script>
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var banid = 5435, sitename = 'http://shihi.g-rus.com', scriptname = 'banners_new1.php',
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btype2 = 2, //1 - cute photos, 2 - top, 3 - online users, 4 - new users, 5 - birthday today/tomorrow
top = 4, //if btype2 = 2 top id (for example 24 - modelling photos)
uonline = 0, //for online users, uonline = 1 - show nameplate "online now"
unew = 0, //for new users, unew = 1 - show nameplate "new"
btype = 1, //type of banner: 1 - matrix, 2 - horizontal, 3 - vertical
numx = 2, //amount of profiles to show in banner of types matrix & horiz.
numy = 2, //amount of profiles to show in banner of types matrix & vert.
num = '2x2', //total amount of profiles. for matrix = numx+'x'+numy, vert. = numy, horiz. = numx
uname = 1, //if 1 - show profile's login near a photo
ufname = 1, //if 1 - show profile's firstname near a photo
ucountry = 1, //if 1 - show profile's region near a photo
ucity = 1, //if 1 - show profile's city near a photo
uage = 1, //if 1 - show profile's age near a photo
ucustomdesc = '',
textstyle = 'font-size:12; color:#000;',
linkstyle = 'font-size:12; color:#00F;',
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'width:'+photowidth+';' : '')+' border: none;"></a>');
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if(uname) document.write('<a id="uname'+banid+iy+ix+'" href="" target="_blank" style="border: none; '+linkstyle+'"></a>');
if(uage){ if(uname) document.write(', '); document.write('<span id="uage'+banid+iy+ix+'" style="'+textstyle+'"></span>y.o.'); }
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var ucustomdesc1 = ucustomdesc;
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if(ucustomdesc.search('CITY') != -1) ucity = 1;
if(uname) ucustomdesc1 = ucustomdesc1.replace('LOGIN', '<a id="uname'+banid+iy+ix+'" href="" target="_blank" style="border: none; '+
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if(uage) ucustomdesc1 = ucustomdesc1.replace('AGE', '<span id="uage'+banid+iy+ix+'" style="'+textstyle+'"></span>');
if(ucountry) ucustomdesc1 = ucustomdesc1.replace('COUNTRY', '<span id="ucountry'+banid+iy+ix+'" style="'+textstyle+'"></span>');
if(ucity) ucustomdesc1 = ucustomdesc1.replace('CITY', '<span id="ucity'+banid+iy+ix+'" style="'+textstyle+'"></span>');
if((btype2 == 3 || btype2 == 6 || btype2 == 7 || btype2 == 8) && uonline) document.write('<br><span style="font-size:12; color: #0A0;font-weight: bold;">online now!</span>');
if((btype2 == 4 || btype2 == 9 || btype2 == 10 || btype2 == 11) && unew) document.write('<br><span style="font-size:12; color: #D00;font-weight: bold;">new!</span>');
document.getElementById('datascript'+banid).src = sitename+'/'+scriptname+'?banid='+banid+'&affiliate_id='+affiliate_id+'&btype='+btype+'&btype2='+
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<td class="bantd"><a href="http://shihi.g-rus.com/banners_new1.php?mode=redirect&affiliate_id=10024501&top=4&pos=2&sex=1&afrom=18&ato=25" class="bana" target="_blank"><img src="http://shihi.g-rus.com/banners_new1.php?mode=getimage&btype=2&pos=2&sex=1&afrom=18&ato=25&top=4&imgid=755300" class="banimg"></a></td>
<td class="bantd"><a href="http://shihi.g-rus.com/banners_new1.php?mode=redirect&affiliate_id=10024501&top=4&pos=3&sex=1&afrom=18&ato=25" class="bana" target="_blank"><img src="http://shihi.g-rus.com/banners_new1.php?mode=getimage&btype=2&pos=3&sex=1&afrom=18&ato=25&top=4&imgid=247180" class="banimg"></a></td>
<td class="bantd"><a href="http://shihi.g-rus.com/banners_new1.php?mode=redirect&affiliate_id=10024501&top=4&pos=4&sex=1&afrom=18&ato=25" class="bana" target="_blank"><img src="http://shihi.g-rus.com/banners_new1.php?mode=getimage&btype=2&pos=4&sex=1&afrom=18&ato=25&top=4&imgid=537455" class="banimg"></a></td>